सामग्रीमा जानुहोस्

ढाँचा:Physical constants/कागजात

विकिपिडिया, एक स्वतन्त्र विश्वकोशबाट

This template provides easy inclusion of recent values of physical constants in articles. Presently, it returns CODATA 2018 recommended values, but the template will be updated when more recent values become available. This includes the 2019 redefinition of SI base units, which made the values of several constants exact (e.g. e), whereas some previously exactly defined constants acquired an uncertainty (e.g. μ0).

Usage[सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्]

Arguments[सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्]

If set to yes, the value is preceded by the symbol of the constant, followed by or = depending on whether or not round is set.
If omitted, the value is shown along with its standard uncertainty. If set to an integer n, the value is rounded to the first n digits after the decimal point (retaining trailing zeros).
If set to no, the unit of measurement is not shown.
If set to no, no reference is given. If set to only, only the reference is given.
Text (e.g. punctuation) to be shown after the constant before the reference.
If set to yes, this will provide only the relative standard uncertainty of the value and its reference.

Available constants[सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्]

Code Constant Value Relative standard uncertainty
a0 Bohr radius a0 = ५.२९१७७२१०९०३(८०)×१०११मी ur(a0) = १.५×१०१०[१]
alpha fine-structure constant α = ७.२९७३५२५६९३(११)×१० ur(α) = १.५×१०१०[२]
A90 conventional ampere A90 = १.०००००००८८८७...A ur(A90) = [३]
atm standard atmosphere atm = १०१३२५Pa ur(atm) = [४]
bwien Wien wavelength displacement law constant b = २.८९७७७१९५५...×१०m⋅K ur(b) = [५]
bwien' Wien frequency displacement law constant b′ = ५.८७८९२५७५७...×१०१०Hz⋅K−1 ur(b′) = [६]
c speed of light c = २९९७९२४५८m/s ur(c) = [७]
c1 first radiation constant c1 = ३.७४१७७१८५२...×१०१६W⋅m2 ur(c1) = [८]
c1L first radiation constant for spectral radiance c1L = १.१९१०४२९७२...×१०१६W⋅m2⋅sr−1 ur(c1L) = [९]
c2 second radiation constant c2 = १.४३८७७६८७७...×१०m⋅K ur(c2) = [१०]
C90 conventional coulomb C90 = १.०००००००८८८७...C ur(C90) = [११]
DnuCs hyperfine structure transition frequency of caesium-133 Δν(133Cs)hfs = १९२६३१७७०Hz urν(133Cs)hfs) = [१२]
e elementary charge e = १.६०२१७६६३४×१०१९C ur(e) = [१३]
Eh Hartree energy Eh = ४.३५९७४४७२२२०७१(८५)×१०१८J ur(Eh) = १.९×१०१२[१४]
EheV Hartree energy in eV Eh = २७.२११३८६२४५९८८(५३)eV ur(Eh) = १.९×१०१२[१५]
eps0 vacuum electric permittivity ε0 = ८.८५४१८७८१२८(१३)×१०१२F⋅m−1 ur(ε0) = १.५×१०१०[१६]
eV electronvolt eV = १.६०२१७६६३४×१०१९J ur(eV) = [१७]
F Faraday constant F = ९६४८५.३३२१२...C⋅mol−1 ur(F) = [१८]
F90 conventional farad F90 = ०.९९९९९९९८२२०...F ur(F90) = [१९]
G gravitational constant G = ६.६७४३०(१५)×१०११m3⋅kg−1⋅s−2 ur(G) = २.२×१०[२०]
G0 conductance quantum G0 = ७.७४८०९१७२९...×१०S ur(G0) = [२१]
g0 standard acceleration of gravity g0 = ९.८०६६५m⋅s−2 ur(g0) = [२२]
ge electron g-factor ge = Error in {{val}}: first argument is not a valid number or requires too much precision to display. ur(ge) = १.७×१०१३[२३]
GF/hbarc3 Fermi coupling constant GF/ħc3 = १.१६६३७८७(६)×१०GeV−2 ur(GF/ħc3) = ५.१×१०[२४]
gmu muon g-factor gμ = २.००२३३१८४१८(१३) ur(gμ) = ६.३×१०१०[२५]
gp proton g-factor gp = ५.५८५६९४६८९३(१६) ur(gp) = २.९×१०१०[२६]
h Planck constant h = ६.६२६०७०१५×१०३४J⋅s ur(h) = [२७]
H90 conventional henry H90 = १.०००००००१७७९...H ur(H90) = [२८]
hbar reduced Planck constant ħ = १.०५४५७१८१७...×१०३४J⋅s ur(ħ) = [२९]
h/2me quantum of circulation h/2me = ३.६३६९४७५५१६(११)×१०m2⋅s−1 ur(h/2me) = ३.०×१०१०[३०]
invalpha inverse fine-structure constant 1/α = १३७.०३५९९९०८४(२१) ur(1/α) = १.५×१०१०[३१]
invG0 inverse conductance quantum G0−1 = १२९०६.४०३७२...Ω ur(G0−1) = [३२]
k Boltzmann constant k = १.३८०६४९×१०२३J⋅K−1 ur(k) = [३३]
KJ Josephson constant KJ = ४८३५९७.८४८४...×१०Hz⋅V−1 ur(KJ) = [३४]
KJ90 conventional value of Josephson constant KJ-90 = ४८३५९७.९×१०Hz⋅V−1 ur(KJ-90) = [३५]
lP Planck length lP = १.६१६२५५(१८)×१०३५मी ur(lP) = १.१×१०[३६]
MC12 molar mass of carbon-12 M(12C) = ११.९९९९९९९९५८(३६)×१०kg⋅mol−1 ur(M(12C)) = ३.०×१०१०[३७]
me electron mass me = ९.१०९३८३७०१५(२८)×१०३१किलोग्राम ur(me) = ३.०×१०१०[३८]
mmu muon mass mμ = १.८८३५३१६२७(४२)×१०२८किलोग्राम ur(mμ) = २.२×१०[३९]
mn neutron mass mn = १.६७४९२७४९८०४(९५)×१०२७किलोग्राम ur(mn) = ५.७×१०१०[४०]
mnDa neutron mass in daltons mn = १.००८६६४९१५९५(४९)Da ur(mn) = ३.८×१०१०[४१]
mP Planck mass mP = २.१७६४३५(२४)×१०किलोग्राम ur(mP) = १.१×१०[४२]
mp proton mass mp = १.६७२६२१९२३६९(५१)×१०२७किलोग्राम ur(mp) = ३.१×१०१०[४३]
mpome proton-to-electron mass ratio mp/me = ८३६.१५२६७३४३(११) ur(mp/me) = ६.०×१०११[४४]
mtau tau mass mτ = ३.१६७५४(२१)×१०२७किलोग्राम ur(mτ) = ६.८×१०[४५]
Mu molar mass constant Mu = ०.९९९९९९९९९६५(३०)×१०kg⋅mol−1 ur(Mu) = ३.०×१०१०[४६]
mu atomic mass constant mu = १.६६०५३९०६६६०(५०)×१०२७किलोग्राम ur(mu) = ३.०×१०१०[४७]
muc2 atomic mass constant energy equivalent muc2 = १.४९२४१८०८५६०(४५)×१०१०J ur(muc2) = ३.०×१०१०[४८]
mueV atomic mass constant energy equivalent in MeV muc2 = ९३१.४९४१०२४२(२८)MeV ur(muc2) = ३.०×१०१०[४९]
mu0 vacuum magnetic permeability μ0 = १.२५६६३७०६२१२(१९)×१०N⋅A−2 ur(μ0) = १.५×१०१०[५०]
muB Bohr magneton μB = ९.२७४०१००७८३(२८)×१०२४J⋅T−1 ur(μB) = ३.०×१०१०[५१]
muN nuclear magneton μN = ५.०५०७८३७४६१(१५)×१०२७J⋅T−1 ur(μN) = ३.१×१०१०[५२]
NA Avogadro constant NA = ६.०२२१४०७६×१०२३mol−1 ur(NA) = [५३]
NAh molar Planck constant NAh = ३.९९०३१२७१२...×१०१०J⋅Hz−1⋅mol−1 ur(NAh) = [५४]
ohm90 conventional ohm Ω90 = १.०००००००१७७९...Ω ur(Ω90) = [५५]
Phi0 magnetic flux quantum Φ0 = २.०६७८३३८४८...×१०१५Wb ur(Φ0) = [५६]
R gas constant R = ८.३१४४६२६१८...J⋅mol−1⋅K−1 ur(R) = [५७]
re classical electron radius re = २.८१७९४०३२६२(१३)×१०१५मी ur(re) = ४.५×१०१०[५८]
Rinf Rydberg constant R = १०९७३७३१.५६८१६०(२१)m−1 ur(R) = १.९×१०१२[५९]
RK von Klitzing constant RK = २५८१२.८०७४५...Ω ur(RK) = [६०]
RK90 conventional value of von Klitzing constant RK-90 = २५८१२.८०७Ω ur(RK-90) = [६१]
sigma Stefan–Boltzmann constant σ = ५.६७०३७४४१९...×१०W⋅m−2⋅K−4 ur(σ) = [६२]
sigmae Thomson cross section σe = ६.६५२४५८७३२१(६०)×१०२९m2 ur(σe) = ९.१×१०१०[६३]
TP Planck temperature TP = १.४१६७८५(१६)×१०३२K ur(TP) = १.१×१०[६४]
tP Planck time tP = ५.३९१२४५(६०)×१०४४s ur(tP) = १.१×१०[६५]
V90 conventional volt V90 = १.००००००१०६६६...V ur(V90) = [६६]
VmSi molar volume of silicon Vm(Si) = १.२०५८८३१९९(६०)×१०m3⋅mol−1 ur(Vm(Si)) = ४.९×१०[६७]
W90 conventional watt W90 = १.००००००१९५५३...W ur(W90) = [६८]
Z0 characteristic impedance of vacuum Z0 = ३७६.७३०३१३६६७(५७)Ω ur(Z0) = १.५×१०१०[६९]

Examples[सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्]

{{Physical constants|c|unit=no|after= [[metre per second|metres per second]].}}

२९९७९२४५८ metres per second.[७]

{{Physical constants|mu0|symbol=yes}}

μ0 = १.२५६६३७०६२१२(१९)×१०N⋅A−2[५०]

{{Physical constants|G|symbol=yes}}

G = ६.६७४३०(१५)×१०११m3⋅kg−1⋅s−2[२०]

{{Physical constants|hbar|round=2|symbol=yes}}

ħ ≈ १.०५×१०३४J⋅s[२९]

The relative standard uncertainty of ''m''<sub>u</sub> is {{Physical constants|mu|runc=yes|after=.}}

The relative standard uncertainty of mu is ३.०×१०१०.[४७]

For the electron mass, {{Physical constants|me|runc=yes|symbol=yes|ref=no}}.

For the electron mass, ur(me) = ३.०×१०१०.

NIST publishes the CODATA value of the [[elementary charge]].{{Physical constants|e|ref=only}}

NIST publishes the CODATA value of the elementary charge.[१३]

See also[सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्]


References[सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्]

  1. "2018 CODATA Value: Bohr radius", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  2. "2018 CODATA Value: fine-structure constant", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  3. "2018 CODATA Value: conventional value of ampere-90", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०६-०१ 
  4. "2018 CODATA Value: standard atmosphere", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  5. "2018 CODATA Value: Wien wavelength displacement law constant", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  6. "2018 CODATA Value: Wien frequency displacement law constant", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  7. ७.० ७.१ "2018 CODATA Value: speed of light in vacuum", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  8. "2018 CODATA Value: first radiation constant", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  9. "2018 CODATA Value: first radiation constant for spectral radiance", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  10. "2018 CODATA Value: second radiation constant", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  11. "2018 CODATA Value: conventional value of coulomb-90", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०६-०१ 
  12. "2018 CODATA Value: hyperfine transition frequency of Cs-133", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०८-१८ 
  13. १३.० १३.१ "2018 CODATA Value: elementary charge", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  14. "2018 CODATA Value: Hartree energy", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  15. "2018 CODATA Value: Hartree energy in eV", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०९-०१ 
  16. "2018 CODATA Value: vacuum electric permittivity", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  17. "2018 CODATA Value: electron volt", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  18. "2018 CODATA Value: Faraday constant", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  19. "2018 CODATA Value: conventional value of farad-90", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०६-०१ 
  20. २०.० २०.१ "2018 CODATA Value: Newtonian constant of gravitation", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  21. "2018 CODATA Value: conductance quantum", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  22. "2018 CODATA Value: standard acceleration of gravity", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  23. "2018 CODATA Value: electron g factor", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  24. "2018 CODATA Value: Fermi coupling constant", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  25. "2018 CODATA Value: muon g factor", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  26. "2018 CODATA Value: proton g factor", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, जुन २०१५, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०३-०८ 
  27. "2018 CODATA Value: Planck constant", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  28. "2018 CODATA Value: conventional value of henry-90", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०६-०१ 
  29. २९.० २९.१ "2018 CODATA Value: reduced Planck constant", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०८-२८ 
  30. "2018 CODATA Value: quantum of circulation", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  31. "2018 CODATA Value: inverse fine-structure constant", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  32. "2018 CODATA Value: inverse of conductance quantum", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  33. "2018 CODATA Value: Boltzmann constant", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  34. "2018 CODATA Value: Josephson constant", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  35. "2018 CODATA Value: conventional value of Josephson constant", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  36. "2018 CODATA Value: Planck length", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  37. "2018 CODATA Value: molar mass of carbon-12", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  38. "2018 CODATA Value: electron mass", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  39. "2018 CODATA Value: muon mass", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  40. "2018 CODATA Value: neutron mass", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०८-२३ 
  41. "2018 CODATA Value: neutron mass in u", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०८-२३ 
  42. "2018 CODATA Value: Planck mass", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  43. "2018 CODATA Value: proton mass", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  44. "2018 CODATA Value: proton-electron mass ratio", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  45. "2018 CODATA Value: tau mass", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  46. "2018 CODATA Value: molar mass constant", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  47. ४७.० ४७.१ "2018 CODATA Value: atomic mass constant", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  48. "2018 CODATA Value: atomic mass constant energy equivalent", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०७-२१ 
  49. "2018 CODATA Value: atomic mass constant energy equivalent in MeV", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०७-२१ 
  50. ५०.० ५०.१ "2018 CODATA Value: vacuum magnetic permeability", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  51. "2018 CODATA Value: Bohr magneton", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  52. "2018 CODATA Value: nuclear magneton", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  53. "2018 CODATA Value: Avogadro constant", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  54. "2018 CODATA Value: molar Planck constant", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  55. "2018 CODATA Value: conventional value of ohm-90", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०६-०१ 
  56. "2018 CODATA Value: magnetic flux quantum", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  57. "2018 CODATA Value: molar gas constant", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  58. "2018 CODATA Value: classical electron radius", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  59. "2018 CODATA Value: Rydberg constant", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  60. "2018 CODATA Value: von Klitzing constant", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  61. "2018 CODATA Value: conventional value of von Klitzing constant", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  62. "2018 CODATA Value: Stefan–Boltzmann constant", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  63. "2018 CODATA Value: Thomson cross section", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  64. "2018 CODATA Value: Planck temperature", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  65. "2018 CODATA Value: Planck time", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२० 
  66. "2018 CODATA Value: conventional value of volt-90", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०६-०१ 
  67. "2018 CODATA Value: molar volume of silicon", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०६-२३ 
  68. "2018 CODATA Value: conventional value of watt-90", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०६-०१ 
  69. Derived from Z0 = μ0c"2018 CODATA Value: magnetic constant", The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, NIST, २० मे २०१९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१९-०५-२०