ढाँचा:पौष्टिक तत्व विवरण/कागजात

विकिपिडिया, एक स्वतन्त्र विश्वकोशबाट

This is the {{पौष्टिक तत्व विवरण}} infobox template.

Brief usage[सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्]

{{Nutritional value
| name    =
| kJ      =
| carbs   =
| fat     =
| protein =
| note    =

Parameters[सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्]

  • Required fields: name, kJ, carbs, fat, protein. You must state the units that are being used, except for kJ which is in kilojoules (1 Calorie = 1 kcal = 4.2 kJ). E.g., fat = 3 g, the units are usually expressed in grams (g).
    • Note: To specify energy in kcal rather than kJ, use kcal instead.
  • Optional fields: image, caption, serving_size, sugars, lactose, satfat, transfat, monofat, polyfat, omega3fat, omega6fat, fiber, starch, water, alcohol and caffeine. Again, you must state the units that are being used.
  • Contributor defined fields: Additional fields can be added using the opt1n and opt1v fields, where n is for name and v is for value. Up to four optional fields are supported, opt1n & opt1v up to opt4n & opt4v.
The following optional variables are converted into percentages of RDA (taken as averages for males and females aged 25–50 years from the USDA 2000 recommendation)
  • Minerals (in mg) - calcium_mg, iron_mg, phosphorus_mg, magnesium_mg, manganese_mg, sodium_mg, potassium_mg, zinc_mg
  • Vitamins (in mg, μg, or international units) - vitA_ug, vitA_iu (in IU), betacarotene_ug (subcategory of vitamin A!), thiamin_mg (Vit. B1), riboflavin_mg (Vit. B2), niacin_mg (Vit. B3), pantothenic_mg (pantothenic acid), vitB6_mg, folate_ug, vitB12_ug, vitC_mg, vitD_ug, vitD_iu (in IU), vitE_mg, vitK_ug.
Other optional variables and flags
  • Footnote - note a convenient way to indicate serving sizes or edible parts, e.g. 1 banana is 100 to 150 g or other information.
  • Data source - source sets the source of the information used in the template.
    • USDA - source_usda a "yes" in this field will automatically set the source as the USDA database.
  • Suppression of RDA explanation - noRDA a value of "yes" will suppress the USDA recommenced daily value that is automatically assigned as part of several fields.
  • Location - float = left will cause the table to appear on the left side of the article, float = center for centered, and float = none to place it on the left, but without wrapping text around it. The default is float = right.
Additional notes
  • According to convention, there should be a space between the number and the unit: "14 g" and not "14g".
  • Don't specify numbers in too many decimals. Food is often very variable; the USDA tables provide a standard deviation as an indication for how accurate the number is. If it says "1.2345 g" with a standard deviation of 0.08 g, then 1.2 g is the highest accuracy worth mentioning.
  • Splitting up components that are present in trace amounts is not very meaningful (e.g. 1.5 g fats of which 0.5 g unsaturated).
  • The author of the template recommends to include only vitamins and minerals for which this product is considered to be a major source, in order to prevent clogging up the article with a huge table. As a guideline:
    • staple foods: an amount that provides 10,000 kJ should provide well over 100% of the RDI.
    • meats and such: same, but for 4,000 kJ.
    • vegetables, other low-calorie solid food, fruits: same, but for 400 g.
    • other products: use an amount that one could reasonably eat on a daily basis.

Nutritional values can be found e.g. in the USDA National Nutrient Database. Note that fibers are counted as carbohydrates.

Full syntax[सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्]

{{Nutritional value
| name            = 
| image           =
| caption         =
| serving_size    =
| kJ              = 
| carbs           = 
| fat             = 
| protein         = 
| sugars          = 
| lactose         = 
| satfat          = 
| transfat        = 
| monofat         = 
| polyfat         = 
| omega3fat       = 
| omega6fat       = 
| fiber           = 
| starch          = 
| water           = 
| alcohol         = 
| caffeine        = 
| opt1n           = 
| opt1v           = 
| opt4n           = 
| opt4v           = 
| calcium_mg      = 
| iron_mg         = 
| phosphorus_mg   = 
| magnesium_mg    = 
| manganese_mg    = 
| sodium_mg       = 
| potassium_mg    = 
| zinc_mg         = 
| vitA_ug         = 
| vitA_iu         = 
| betacarotene_ug = 
| lutein_ug       =
| thiamin_mg      = 
| riboflavin_mg   = 
| niacin_mg       = 
| pantothenic_mg  = 
| vitB6_mg        = 
| folate_ug       = 
| vitB12_ug       = 
| vitC_mg         = 
| vitD_ug         = 
| vitD_iu         = 
| vitE_mg         = 
| vitK_ug         = 
| note            = 
| source          = 
| source_usda     = 
| noRDA           = 
| float           = 

Examples[सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्]

प्रति १०० ग्राम (३.५ औंस) भित्र पौष्टिक तत्व छ
ऊर्जा२,४५० किलोजूल (५९० कि॰कैल)
२२ g
आहारीय रेशा८ g
चिनी ५ g
१ g
खाद्य आहारीय रेशा९ g
५० g
संतृप्त बोसो७ g
ट्रान्स बोसो पदार्थ३ g
असंतृप्त बोसो२५ g
बहु असंतृप्त बोसो१६ g
१ g
२ g
२४ g
भिटामिन ए समतुल्य
१२ μg
१२० μg
थायमिन (बि)
१ मिग्रा
रिबोफ्लाबिन (बि)
२ मिग्रा
नायासिन (बि)
०.५ मिग्रा
एसिड (वि)
०.१ मिग्रा
भिटामिन बि
१ मिग्रा
फोलेट (बि)
१.५ μg
भिटामिन बि१२
०.५ μg
भिटामिन सी
२० मिग्रा
भिटामिन डी
१० μg
भिटामिन ई
५ मिग्रा
भिटामिन के
१० μg
२०० मिग्रा
५ मिग्रा
१.२ मिग्रा
१.२ मिग्रा
५० मिग्रा
८० मिग्रा
४० मिग्रा
०.४ मिग्रा
अन्य अवयवहरूपरिमाण
पानी५ g
अलकोहल (इथानोल)१ g
क्याफिन२० mg

Footnote text here
वयस्कहरूको लागि अमेरिकी सिफारिसहरूको उपयोग गर्दै सिर्जित अनुमान प्रतिशत।
स्रोत: युएसडिए फुडडेटा सेन्ट्रल
{{Nutritional value
 | name          = Foonuts
 | kJ            = 2450
 | protein       = 24 g
 | fat           = 50 g
 | satfat        = 7 g
 | transfat      = 3 g
 | monofat       = 25 g
 | polyfat       = 16 g
 | omega3fat     = 1 g
 | omega6fat     = 2 g
 | carbs         = 22 g
 | starch        = 8 g
 | sugars        = 5 g
 | lactose       = 1 g
 | fiber         = 9 g
 | sodium_mg     = 40
 | potassium_mg  = 80
 | vitA_ug       = 12
 | betacarotene_ug = 120
 | vitC_mg       = 20
 | thiamin_mg    = 1
 | riboflavin_mg = 2
 | niacin_mg     = 0.5
 | pantothenic_mg = 0.1
 | folate_ug     = 1.5
 | vitD_ug       = 10
 | vitE_mg       = 5
 | vitK_ug       = 10
 | iron_mg       = 5
 | magnesium_mg  = 10
 | manganese_mg  = 1.2
 | phosphorus_mg = 50
 | zinc_mg       = 0.4
 | calcium_mg    = 200
 | vitB6_mg      = 1
 | vitB12_ug     = 0.5
 | water         = 5 g
 | alcohol       = 1 g
 | caffeine      = 20 mg
 | tryptophan    = 0.010 g
 | source_usda   = 1
 | note          = Footnote text here
 | float         = 

will generate →

Template editing[सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्]

This is a complex template that is used by over 150 articles as of October 2008. Breaking this template will cause problems in all those articles, so please use {{Nutritional value/sandbox}} for experimenting with the layout.

In the HTML version: don't put line breaks into the template around the {{#if:...}} parser functions, because they will end up as line breaks above the table.

Translations[सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्]

If you translate this template for use in other language wikipedias, you could consider keeping the English variable names, so that you can simply copy/paste existing tables from English to your language (and back). Or you could make two versions, one using native-language variable names, and the other using the English names.