सामग्रीमा जानुहोस्


विकिपिडिया, एक स्वतन्त्र विश्वकोशबाट
This macro displays the same link, in the format no matter what the sister project {{{SITENAME}}}.
It's used by Meta:WikiProject Template sharing to make usage text portable.

This 'Wikimacro usage' template documentation is transcluded for all {{ Wikimacro usage}} tagged templates [edit].Masterpage  

Similar templates at English sister projects [edit]
mta Meta-wiki Wsp
wpd Wikipedia Wsp
cms Commons Wsp
wbk Wikibooks Wsp
wsp Wikispecies Wsp
wvy Wikiversity Wsp
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On {{Wpd}} / {{Wbk}} / {{Cms}} / {{Wdy}} / {{Wqt}} / {{Wsp}} / {{Wsr}} / {{Wvy}} (sister templates)
  • All such macro's enable calls from any sister project to use the same call and get the same output result. This feature is chiefly used in category pages being linked by the various interwiki category to category templates such as the paired tagging templates: Commonscat1A & Template:Wikipediacat1A etcetera, including such for other sister projects like the omnibus template {{interwikicat-grp}} by simply copying the same language between the two matching categories.
  • Each connects to the general 'main' namespace of the given sister. Prefixing other namespaces such as Template: or Category:, even talk spaces will link to such namespaces fine. In that case, the pipe-trick parameter {{{2}}} may be given to create a trimmer link of more pleasing appearance.
  • 'Cms' is primarily useful for see also lists on en.wikipedia or other direct accessing needs into a commons page. (Talk to Talk page, for example).
Notes on genesis and equivalence
'W2' (ALSO: 'W' on many English sister projects, but with some name collisions on others) and 'W2c' interwiki templates came out of efforts to tag and interlink key categories on the Wikimedia Commons and En.Wikipedia, as the two places foreign language wiki's tie into and plant interwiki links. Mw (Meta) and Wd (Wiktionary) soon followed on the commons, wikpedia and Meta for inline referencing and direct page linking. All were written to enhance text portability when tagging and linking categories and then templates with common hyper linked prose to appropriate reference pages.
These four originals are now exist only 'as redirects' to the more mnemonic 'Wpd', 'Cms', 'Mta' and 'Wdy' respectively adopting the three letter near-mnemonic's of Wikiproject template sharing project, which is standardizing templates to enhance productivity on all the sister projects.
Some like the commons template {{Cms}}, {{Wbk}}, {{Wdy}}, and {{Wsp}}, require logic to bypass their own prefix on their own site to enable interwiki portability or display of local links. (This is to say, that without such logic, these would display a full url, which does not reveal bad links, but full sitename prefixes are even worse, as evince always as redlinks).