ढाँचा:Infobox CPU

![]() | यस ढाँचामा अप्ठ्यारा सुविधाहरू रहेका छन्। कृपया यस ढाँचालाई सम्पादन गर्नु पूर्व यस ढाँचाको व्यवस्थापन तथा पार्सर प्रणालीहरूसँग परिचित हुनुपर्छ र पनि यदि तपाईँले गरेको सम्पादनबाट कुनै जटिल तथा अप्रत्याशित समस्या आएमा तत्कालै आफ्नो सम्पादन फर्काई दिनुहोला, किनकि यो ढाँचा अत्यधिक सङ्ख्याका लेख/पृष्ठहरूमा प्रयोग भइरहेको छ। स्मरण रहोस्: तपाईँ प्रयोग आदि गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ तर यहाँ कुनै पनि प्रयोग गर्नुपूर्व सबै प्रयोग सामान्य ढाँचा प्रयोगस्थलमा अथवा आफ्नो प्रयोगकर्ता प्रयोगस्थलमा गर्नुहोस्। |
This template is for CPUs. For generic hardware components, see Template:Infobox Computer Hardware Generic.
{{Infobox CPU | name = | image = | image_size = | caption = | produced-start = | produced-end = | slowest = | fastest = | slow-unit = | fast-unit = | fsb-slowest = | fsb-fastest = | fsb-slow-unit = | fsb-fast-unit = | hypertransport-slowest = | hypertransport-fastest = | hypertransport-slow-unit = | hypertransport-fast-unit = | qpi-slowest = | qpi-fastest = | qpi-slow-unit = | qpi-fast-unit = | dmi-slowest = | dmi-fastest = | dmi-slow-unit = | dmi-fast-unit = | size-from = | size-to = | soldby = | designfirm = | manuf1 = | core1 = | sock1 = | pack1 = | brand1 = | arch = | microarch = | cpuid = | code = | numcores = | l1cache = | l2cache = | l3cache = | application = | predecessor = | successor = }}
[सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्]{{Infobox CPU | name = Device Name | image = An image to show in the infobox | image_size = Size of the image (defaults to 200px) | caption = A caption for the image | produced-start = When production began | produced-end = When production ended | slowest = Lowest maximum CPU clock | fastest = Highest maximum CPU clock | slow-unit = Unit for slow speed. Default: GHz | fast-unit = Unit for fast speed. Default: GHz | fsb-slowest = Slowest FSB speed | fsb-fastest = Fastest FSB speed | fsb-slow-unit = Unit for slow speed. Default: MHz | fsb-fast-unit = Unit for fast speed. Default: MHz | hypertransport-slowest = Slowest HyperTransport speed | hypertransport-fastest = Fastest HyperTransport speed | hypertransport-slow-unit = Unit for slow speed. Default: GT/s | hypertransport-fast-unit = Unit for fast speed. Default: GT/s | qpi-slowest = Slowest QPI (QuickPath Interconnect) speed | qpi-fastest = Fastest QPI speed | qpi-slow-unit = Unit for slow speed. Default: GT/s | qpi-fast-unit = Unit for fast speed. Default: GT/s | dmi-slowest = Slowest DMI (Direct Media Interface) speed | dmi-fastest = Fastest DMI speed | dmi-slow-unit = Unit for slow speed. Default: GT/s | dmi-fast-unit = Unit for fast speed. Default: GT/s | size-from = Fabrication size | size-to = Another fabrication size | soldby = Often, but not always, the same as the designfirm and/or manuf1 | designfirm = Often, but not always, the same as manuf1 and/or soldby | manuf1 = Common manufacturers of the device (1-5) | core1 = Names of the cores (1-9) | sock1 = Names of the sockets that the cpu was made for (1-9) | pack1 = Names of CPU packages (1-5) | brand1 = Marketing names of the CPU (1-9) | arch = Instruction set architecture that the cpu implements | microarch = Microarchitecture of the cpu | cpuid = CPUID or PVR value | code = numerical identifier for the CPU (product code) | numcores = Number of cores (2 for dual-core) | l1cache = Level 1 cache size | l2cache = Level 2 cache size | l3cache = Level 3 cache size | application = Typical application (Embedded, Mobile, Desktop, Server) | predecessor = What CPU came before | successor = What CPU came after }}
All fields, except 'name' are optional
manuf, core, sock, pack, arch, and microarch are AutoLinks, so you can use plain text or a link for them.
The numbered attributes mean that there is allowance for multiples.
See the talk page for some examples which show the full usage of this infobox in a few combinations.