ढाँचा:Infobox language family/कागजात
![]() | यो ढाँचाले लुआ प्रयोग गर्दछ: |
![]() | यस ढाँचामा अप्ठ्यारा सुविधाहरू रहेका छन्। कृपया यस ढाँचालाई सम्पादन गर्नु पूर्व यस ढाँचाको व्यवस्थापन तथा पार्सर प्रणालीहरूसँग परिचित हुनुपर्छ र पनि यदि तपाईँले गरेको सम्पादनबाट कुनै जटिल तथा अप्रत्याशित समस्या आएमा तत्कालै आफ्नो सम्पादन फर्काई दिनुहोला, किनकि यो ढाँचा अत्यधिक सङ्ख्याका लेख/पृष्ठहरूमा प्रयोग भइरहेको छ। स्मरण रहोस्: तपाईँ प्रयोग आदि गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ तर यहाँ कुनै पनि प्रयोग गर्नुपूर्व सबै प्रयोग सामान्य ढाँचा प्रयोगस्थलमा अथवा आफ्नो प्रयोगकर्ता प्रयोगस्थलमा गर्नुहोस्। |
The language family template is for use in articles about language families and groupings. It provides a common standard for displaying data about the family, and for navigating to larger or smaller groups.
[सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्]{{Infobox language family | name = name of language family #REQUIRED | altname = alternative name(s) of the language family | acceptance = acceptance status of the languages as a valid genetic group | ethnicity = people(s) who speak the languages as a group | region = geographic region in which its languages are mainly spoken | extinct = date family went extinct | familycolor = appropriate language family #REQUIRED | fam1 = the broadest possible widely accepted [[language family]] of which this language family is a part | fam2 = a more specific sub-family of which this family is a part | ... | fam15 = most specific sub-group of which this family is a part | family = whatever you want to say | protoname = proto-language, if one has been reconstructed | child1 = a language or group of languages belonging to this family | child2 = another language or group of languages belonging to this family | ... | child20 = another language or group of languages belonging to this family | children = whatever you want to say | map = a map of the region where it is spoken. Format must be "name of map.extension" (without 'file/image' or the square brackets) | mapalt = caption for the blind | mapcaption = printed caption underneath the map. See {{tl|legend}} as a helpful tool. | map2 = a second map (or any image) | mapalt2 = caption for the blind | mapcaption2 = caption underneath second map | mapsize = overrides the default map size, which is currently 350px. Format must include units ("123px" or "12em"). Affects both maps. | boxsize = overrides default width of infobox, currently set at 22em. Format must include units ("12em" or "123px"). Useful when an article has various infoboxes aligned in a column. (Box will automatically expand to fix map wider than default box width.) | sil = the code used for the family at SIL/''Ethnologue'' 17. Provides a link. | silname = the name used for the family at SIL/''Ethnologue'' 17, when this differs from WP. | silnote = comment to appear after the SIL link. | sil2–3 = additional codes for the family at SIL; sometimes due to parsing errors, parts of a family will appear at different locations. | silname2–3 = names for these scattered parts | iso2, iso3 = ISO 639-2 or -3 language code (such as for 'macrolanguages') | iso5 = ISO 639-5 language family code | lingua = the Linguasphere code for the family | glotto(2–5) = the Glottolog code(s) for the family. Set glotto to "none" if Glottolog does not list the family because it is undemonstrated (branches can still be listed under glotto2–5); set to "NA" if Glottolog does not cover more than one language or branch and so has not evaluated the family. | glottoname(2–5) = the names to be used in the Glottolog reference (can be cross-ref'd as name=Glottolog etc.) | glottofoot = set to "no" to hide the Glottolog footnotes }}
Background colors by family
[सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्]यो पनि हेर्नुहोस् | वि:विकिपरियोजना भाषा |
Tracking categories
[सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्]If the sil
parameter ends in "-16", the format of Ethnologue's 16th edition, the article will be placed in Category:Language families with old SIL links. This may be useful if Ethnologue has abandoned a family, but we have an article on it.
See also
[सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्]