ढाँचा:Infobox organization

![]() | This template is used on approximately ३५,००० pages and changes may be widely noticed. Test changes in the template's /sandbox or /testcases subpages, or in your own user subpage. Consider discussing changes on the talk page before implementing them. |
![]() | यो ढाँचाले लुआ प्रयोग गर्दछ: |
{{Infobox organization}}
can be used to provide at-a-glance information at the start of an article about an organization.
[सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्]full_name | |
native_name | |
[[File:{{{logo}}}|{{{logo_size}}}|alt={{{logo_alt}}}]] logo_caption | |
[[File:{{{image}}}|{{{image_size}}}|alt={{{alt}}}]] caption | |
[[File:{{{map}}}|{{{map_size}}}|alt={{{map_alt}}}]] map_caption | |
[[File:{{{map2}}}|{{{map2_size}}}|alt={{{map2_alt}}}]] map2_caption | |
सङ्क्षिप्त नाम | abbreviation |
उपनाम | nickname |
उच्चारण |
बाट नामित | named_after |
आदर्श वाक्य | motto |
पूर्वाधिकारी | predecessor |
गाभिएको | merged |
उत्तराधिकारी | successor |
गठन | formation |
संस्थापक | founder / founders |
स्थान | founding_location |
विघटन | dissolved |
बाट गाभिएको | merger |
प्रकार | type |
tax_id / vat_id | |
दर्ता नं. | registration_id |
कानुनी वैद्यता | status |
लक्ष्य | purpose |
व्यावसायिक शीर्षक | professional_title |
प्रधान कार्यालय | headquarters |
स्थान |
स्थानहरू |
निर्देशाङ्कहरू | coordinates |
मूल स्थान | origins |
सेवा क्षेत्र | region_served / region / area_served |
उत्पादनहरू | products / product |
सेवाहरू | services |
तरिकाहरू | methods / method |
क्षेत्रहरू | fields / field |
सदस्यता (_year) | membership |
आधिकारिक भाषा | language / languages |
मालिक | owner / owners |
महासचिव | sec_gen / gen_sec |
leader_title | leader_name |
leader_title2 | leader_name2 |
leader_title3 | leader_name3 |
leader_title4 | leader_name4 |
board_of_directors | |
प्रमुख व्यक्ति | key_people |
मुख्य अङ्ग | main_organ / publication |
मूल सङ्गठनहरू | parent_organization / parent_organisation |
सहायक कम्पनीहरू | subsidiaries |
त्याग | secessions |
सम्बद्धता | affiliations |
बजेट (_year) | budget |
राजश्व (_year) | revenue |
वितरण | disbursements |
खर्च (_year) | expenses |
Endowment (_year) | endowment |
कर्मचारी (_year) | staff |
स्वयंसेवकहरू (_year) | volunteers |
विद्यार्थीहरू (_year) | students |
पुरस्कार(हरू) | awards |
वेबसाइट | {{URL|...}} |
टिप्पणी | remarks |
पूर्व नाम | formerly / former_name |
footnotes |
- Full syntax
Copy this version to use, remove hidden notes (both the <!--
and -->
characters) that surround certain entries, in order for the data you enter to appear in the published article. All fields must be lowercase, and all are optional.
{{Infobox organization
| name = <!-- defaults to {{PAGENAME}}, if not provided -->
| full_name =
| native_name = <!-- organization's name in its local language -->
| native_name_lang = <!-- required ISO 639-1 code of the above native language -->
| logo =
| logo_size =
| logo_alt =
| logo_caption =
| image =
| image_size =
| alt = <!-- see [[WP:ALT]] -->
| caption =
| map = <!-- map image -->
| map_size = <!-- defaults to 250px -->
| map_alt =
| map_caption =
| map2 = <!-- 2nd map image, if required -->
| map2_size =
| map2_alt =
| map2_caption =
| abbreviation =
| nickname =
| pronounce =
| pronounce ref =
| pronounce comment =
| pronounce 2 =
| named_after =
| motto =
| predecessor =
| merged = <!-- any other organization(s) which it was merged into -->
| successor =
| formation = <!-- or |established = --><!-- use {{start date and age|YYYY|MM|DD}} -->
| founder = <!-- or |founders = -->
| founding_location =
| dissolved = <!-- or |defunct = --><!-- use {{end date and age|YYYY|MM|DD}} -->
| merger = <!-- other organizations (if any) merged with, to constitute the new organization -->
| type = <!-- e.g., [[Nonprofit organization|Nonprofit]], [[Non-governmental organization|NGO]], etc. -->
| tax_id = <!-- or |vat_id = (for European organizations) -->
| registration_id = <!-- for non-profits -->
| status = <!-- legal status and/or description (company, charity, foundation, etc.) -->
| purpose = <!-- or |focus = --><!-- humanitarian, activism, peacekeeping, etc. -->
| professional_title = <!-- for professional associations -->
| headquarters =
| location_city =
| location_country =
| location_city2 =
| location_country2 =
| addnl_location_city =
| addnl_location_country =
| addnl_location_city2 =
| addnl_location_country2 =
| coordinates = <!-- {{coord|LAT|LON|display=inline,title}} -->
| origins =
| region_served = <!-- or |area_served = or |region = -->
| products = <!-- or |product = -->
| services =
| methods = <!-- or |method = -->
| fields = <!-- or |field = -->
| membership = <!-- number of members -->
| membership_year = <!-- year to which membership numbers/data apply -->
| language = <!-- or |languages = --><!-- any official language or languages used -->
| owner = <!-- or |owners = -->
| sec_gen = <!-- or |gen_sec for General Secretary -->
| leader_title = <!-- defaults to "Leader" -->
| leader_name =
| leader_title2 =
| leader_name2 =
| leader_title3 =
| leader_name3 =
| leader_title4 =
| leader_name4 =
| board_of_directors =
| key_people =
| main_organ = <!-- or |publication = --><!-- organization's principal body (assembly, committee, board, etc.) or publication -->
| parent_organization = <!-- or |parent_organisation = -->
| subsidiaries =
| secessions =
| affiliations =
| budget =
| budget_year =
| revenue =
| revenue_year =
| disbursements =
| expenses =
| expenses_year =
| endowment =
| endowment_year =
| staff =
| staff_year =
| volunteers =
| volunteers_year =
| students =
| students_year =
| awards =
| website = <!-- {{URL|example.com}} -->
| remarks =
| formerly = <!-- or |former_name = -->
| footnotes =
| bodystyle =
[सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्]All fields are lower case and optional.
Organization's unabbreviated name | |
native_name | |
![]() (caption :) Example.png (image) at template's default size. | |
![]() (map_caption :) World map.jpg (map) at template's default size. | |
सङ्क्षिप्त नाम | abbreviation |
उपनाम | nickname |
बाट नामित | named_after |
आदर्श वाक्य | motto |
पूर्वाधिकारी | predecessor |
गाभिएको | merged |
उत्तराधिकारी | successor |
गठन | formation (or established) |
संस्थापक | founder (or founders) |
स्थान | founding_location |
विघटन | dissolved (or defunct) |
बाट गाभिएको | merger |
प्रकार | type |
tax_id (or vat_id) | |
दर्ता नं. | registration_id |
कानुनी वैद्यता | status |
लक्ष्य | purpose |
प्रधान कार्यालय | headquarters |
स्थान |
निर्देशाङ्कहरू | ( use {{coord}} ) |
मूल स्थान | origins |
सेवा क्षेत्र | region_served |
उत्पादनहरू | products |
सेवाहरू | services |
तरिकाहरू | methods |
क्षेत्रहरू | fields |
सदस्यता (_year) | membership |
आधिकारिक भाषा | language (or languages) |
मालिक | owner (or owners) |
महासचिव | sec_gen (or gen_sec) |
leader_title | leader_name |
leader_title2 | leader_name2 |
board_of_directors | |
प्रमुख व्यक्ति | key_people |
मुख्य अङ्ग | main_organ (or publication) |
मूल सङ्गठनहरू | parent_organi[z/s]ation |
सहायक कम्पनीहरू | subsidiaries |
त्याग | secessions |
सम्बद्धता | affiliations |
बजेट (_year) | budget |
राजश्व (_year) | revenue |
वितरण | disbursements |
खर्च (_year) | expenses |
Endowment (_year) | endowment |
कर्मचारी (_year) | staff |
स्वयंसेवकहरू (_year) | volunteers |
विद्यार्थीहरू (_year) | students |
पुरस्कार(हरू) | awards |
वेबसाइट | website |
टिप्पणी | remarks |
पूर्व नाम | formerly (or former_name) |
footnotes |
{{Infobox organization
| name = Organization's ''name''
| full_name = Organization's unabbreviated name
| native_name = ''native_name''
| native_name_lang = required ISO 639-1 code of the above native language
| image = Example.png
| alt = Text alternative for those who do not see the image
| caption = {{longitem|(''caption''{{thin space}}''':'''){{break}}Example.png (''image'') at template's default size.}}
| map = World map.jpg
| map_alt = This is the message carried by "map_alt" parameter
| map_caption = {{longitem|(''map_caption''{{thin space}}''':'''){{break}}World map.jpg (''map'') at template's default size.}}
| abbreviation = ''abbreviation''
| nickname = ''nickname''
| named_after = ''named_after''
| motto = ''motto''
| predecessor = ''predecessor''
| merged = ''merged''
| successor = ''successor''
| formation = {{nowrap|''formation'' (or ''established'')}}
| founder = ''founder'' (or ''founders'')
| founding_location = ''founding_location''
| dissolved = ''dissolved'' (or ''defunct'')
| merger = ''merger''
| type = ''type''
| tax_id = ''tax_id'' (or ''vat_id'')
| registration_id = ''registration_id''
| status = ''status''
| purpose = ''purpose''
| headquarters = ''headquarters''
| location_city = ''location_city''
| location_country = ''location_country''
| coords = ({{thin space|use {{tl|coord}}}})
| origins = ''origins''
| region_served = ''region_served''
| products = ''products''
| services = ''services''
| methods = ''methods''
| fields = ''fields''
| membership = ''membership''
| membership_year = ''_year''
| language = ''language'' (or ''languages'')
| owner = ''owner'' (or ''owners'')
| sec_gen = ''sec_gen'' (or ''gen_sec'')
| leader_title = ''leader_title''
| leader_name = ''leader_name''
| leader_title2 = ''leader_title2''
| leader_name2 = ''leader_name2''
| board_of_directors = ''board_of_directors''
| key_people = ''key_people''
| main_organ = {{nowrap|''main_organ'' (or ''publication'')}}
| parent_organization = ''parent_organi[z/s]ation''
| subsidiaries = ''subsidiaries''
| secessions = ''secessions''
| affiliations = ''affiliations''
| budget = ''budget''
| budget_year = ''_year''
| revenue = ''revenue''
| revenue_year = ''_year''
| disbursements = ''disbursements''
| expenses = ''expenses''
| expenses_year = ''_year''
| endowment = ''endowment''
| endowment_year = ''_year''
| staff = ''staff''
| staff_year = ''_year''
| volunteers = ''volunteers''
| volunteers_year = ''_year''
| students = ''students''
| students_year = ''_year''
| awards = ''awards''
| website = ''website''
| remarks = ''remarks''
| formerly = {{nowrap|''formerly'' (or ''former_name'')}}
| footnotes = ''footnotes''
[सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्]- Subtemplates
- Use {{Start date and age}} for the date on which an organisation was "established", "founded", "opened" or otherwise started, unless that date is before 1583 CE.
- Use {{URL}} for an organisation's URL.
Please do not remove instances of these subtemplates.
- Classes used
The HTML classes this microformat uses include:
- adr
- agent
- category
- country-name
- extended-address
- fn
- geo
- label
- latitude
- locality
- longitude
- nickname
- note
- org
- region
- street-address
- url
- vcard
nor collapse nested elements which use them.
[सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्]Infobox organizationको कागजात
कुनै विवरण छैन।
मापदण्ड | विवरण | प्रकार | स्थिति | |
name | name | defaults to {{PAGENAME}} if name not provided | String | वैकल्पिक |
full_name | full_name | Unabbreviated name of the organization | String | वैकल्पिक |
native_name | native_name | Organization's name in its local language | String | वैकल्पिक |
native_name_lang | native_name_lang | Language code for native_name | String | वैकल्पिक |
logo | logo | logo of organisation | String | वैकल्पिक |
logo_size | logo_size | size of logo | सङ्ख्या | वैकल्पिक |
logo_alt | logo_alt | see [[WP:ALT]] | String | वैकल्पिक |
logo_caption | logo_caption | caption of logo | String | वैकल्पिक |
image | image | image of organisation | String | वैकल्पिक |
image_size | image_size | size of image | सङ्ख्या | वैकल्पिक |
alt | alt | see [[WP:ALT]] | String | वैकल्पिक |
caption | caption | caption | String | वैकल्पिक |
map | map | map image | String | वैकल्पिक |
map_size | map_size | defaults to 250px | सङ्ख्या | वैकल्पिक |
map_alt | map_alt | कुनैपनि विवरण छैन | String | वैकल्पिक |
map_caption | map_caption | caption for map | String | वैकल्पिक |
map2 | map2 | second map image, if required | String | वैकल्पिक |
map2_size | map2_size | size of map | सङ्ख्या | वैकल्पिक |
map2_alt | map2_alt | कुनैपनि विवरण छैन | String | वैकल्पिक |
map2_caption | map2_caption | caption for map | String | वैकल्पिक |
abbreviation | abbreviation | abbreviation or acronym of organisation | String | वैकल्पिक |
nickname | nickname | कुनैपनि विवरण छैन | String | वैकल्पिक |
pronounce | pronounce | कुनैपनि विवरण छैन | String | वैकल्पिक |
pronounce ref | pronounce ref | कुनैपनि विवरण छैन | String | वैकल्पिक |
pronounce comment | pronounce comment | कुनैपनि विवरण छैन | String | वैकल्पिक |
pronounce 2 | pronounce 2 | कुनैपनि विवरण छैन | String | वैकल्पिक |
named_after | named_after | Entity the organisation was named after, if any | String | वैकल्पिक |
motto | motto | motto of organisation | String | वैकल्पिक |
predecessor | predecessor | कुनैपनि विवरण छैन | String | वैकल्पिक |
merged | merged | Any other organizations with which the organization was merged | String | वैकल्पिक |
successor | successor | successor of organisation | String | वैकल्पिक |
formation | formation established founded | established, e.g. use {{start date and age|YYYY|MM|DD}} | मिति | वैकल्पिक |
founder | founder founders | founder of organisation | String | वैकल्पिक |
founding_location | founding_location | place founded | String | वैकल्पिक |
dissolved | dissolved defunct extinction | dissolved, e.g. use {{end date and age|YYYY|MM|DD}} | मिति | वैकल्पिक |
merger | merger | Other organizations (if any) merged to constitute the organization | String | वैकल्पिक |
type | type | e.g. [[Governmental organization]], [[Non-governmental organization|NGO]] | String | वैकल्पिक |
tax_id | tax_id vat_id | कुनैपनि विवरण छैन | String | वैकल्पिक |
registration_id | registration_id | कुनैपनि विवरण छैन | String | वैकल्पिक |
status | status | Organization's legal status and/or description (company, charity, foundation) | String | वैकल्पिक |
purpose | purpose focus | Organization's purpose or focus (humanitarian, activism, peacekeeping, …) | String | वैकल्पिक |
professional_title | professional_title | for professional associations | String | वैकल्पिक |
headquarters | headquarters | organisation headquarters | String | वैकल्पिक |
location_city | location_city location | कुनैपनि विवरण छैन | अज्ञात | वैकल्पिक |
location_country | location_country | कुनैपनि विवरण छैन | अज्ञात | वैकल्पिक |
location_city2 | location_city2 location2 | कुनैपनि विवरण छैन | अज्ञात | वैकल्पिक |
location_country2 | location_country2 | कुनैपनि विवरण छैन | अज्ञात | वैकल्पिक |
addnl_location_city | addnl_location_city addnl_location | कुनैपनि विवरण छैन | अज्ञात | वैकल्पिक |
addnl_location_country | addnl_location_country | कुनैपनि विवरण छैन | अज्ञात | वैकल्पिक |
addnl_location_city2 | addnl_location_city2 addnl_location2 | कुनैपनि विवरण छैन | अज्ञात | वैकल्पिक |
addnl_location_country2 | addnl_location_country2 | कुनैपनि विवरण छैन | अज्ञात | वैकल्पिक |
coordinates | coordinates coords | location's {{coord}}s | String | वैकल्पिक |
origins | origins | कुनैपनि विवरण छैन | String | वैकल्पिक |
region | region region_served area_served | Any particular region or regions associated with or served by the organization | String | वैकल्पिक |
products | products product | कुनैपनि विवरण छैन | String | वैकल्पिक |
services | services | services of organisation | String | वैकल्पिक |
methods | methods method | कुनैपनि विवरण छैन | String | वैकल्पिक |
fields | fields field | कुनैपनि विवरण छैन | String | वैकल्पिक |
membership | membership members | membership of organisation | String | वैकल्पिक |
membership_year | membership_year | कुनैपनि विवरण छैन | मिति | वैकल्पिक |
language | language languages | Any official language or languages used by the organization | String | वैकल्पिक |
owner | owner owners | कुनैपनि विवरण छैन | String | वैकल्पिक |
sec_gen | sec_gen gen_sec | Name of the organization's Secretary General (if post exists) | String | वैकल्पिक |
leader_title | leader_title | कुनैपनि विवरण छैन | String | वैकल्पिक |
leader_name | leader_name | leader name | String | वैकल्पिक |
leader_title2 | leader_title2 | कुनैपनि विवरण छैन | String | वैकल्पिक |
leader_name2 | leader_name2 | कुनैपनि विवरण छैन | String | वैकल्पिक |
leader_title3 | leader_title3 | कुनैपनि विवरण छैन | String | वैकल्पिक |
leader_name3 | leader_name3 | कुनैपनि विवरण छैन | String | वैकल्पिक |
leader_title4 | leader_title4 | कुनैपनि विवरण छैन | String | वैकल्पिक |
leader_name4 | leader_name4 | कुनैपनि विवरण छैन | String | वैकल्पिक |
board_of_directors | board_of_directors | board of directors of organisation | String | वैकल्पिक |
key_people | key_people | key people of organisation | String | वैकल्पिक |
main_organ | main_organ publication | Organization's principal body (assembly, committee, board, …) or publication | String | वैकल्पिक |
parent_organization | parent_organization parent_organisation | parent_organisation | String | वैकल्पिक |
subsidiaries | subsidiaries | organisation subsidiaries | String | वैकल्पिक |
secessions | secessions | organisation secessions | String | वैकल्पिक |
affiliations | affiliations | affiliation of organisation | String | वैकल्पिक |
budget | budget | organisation budget | String | वैकल्पिक |
budget_year | budget_year | कुनैपनि विवरण छैन | मिति | वैकल्पिक |
revenue | revenue | कुनैपनि विवरण छैन | String | वैकल्पिक |
revenue_year | revenue_year | कुनैपनि विवरण छैन | मिति | वैकल्पिक |
disbursements | disbursements | कुनैपनि विवरण छैन | String | वैकल्पिक |
expenses | expenses | कुनैपनि विवरण छैन | String | वैकल्पिक |
expenses_year | expenses_year | कुनैपनि विवरण छैन | मिति | वैकल्पिक |
endowment | endowment | कुनैपनि विवरण छैन | String | वैकल्पिक |
endowment_year | endowment_year | कुनैपनि विवरण छैन | मिति | वैकल्पिक |
staff | staff employees | Numbers and/or types of staff | String | वैकल्पिक |
staff_year | staff_year employees_year | कुनैपनि विवरण छैन | मिति | वैकल्पिक |
volunteers | volunteers | Numbers and/or types of volunteers | String | वैकल्पिक |
volunteers_year | volunteers_year | कुनैपनि विवरण छैन | मिति | वैकल्पिक |
students | students | कुनैपनि विवरण छैन | String | वैकल्पिक |
students_year | students_year | कुनैपनि विवरण छैन | मिति | वैकल्पिक |
awards | awards | कुनैपनि विवरण छैन | अज्ञात | वैकल्पिक |
website | website | organisation website | पृष्ठ नाम | वैकल्पिक |
remarks | remarks | organisation remarks | String | वैकल्पिक |
formerly | formerly former_name | Any former names by which the organization known | String | वैकल्पिक |
footnotes | footnotes | footnotes of organisation | String | वैकल्पिक |
bodystyle | bodystyle | कुनैपनि विवरण छैन | String | वैकल्पिक |
Tracking category
[सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्]- श्रेणी:Pages using infobox organization with unknown parameters (०)
- श्रेणी:Infoboxes without native name language parameter (०)