ढाँचा:Infobox war faction

![]() | यो ढाँचाले लुआ प्रयोग गर्दछ: |
A war faction infobox may be used to summarize information about a particular faction participating in a war; it should not be used for regular military units and formations (which should use {{infobox military unit}} instead). The infobox should be added using the {{infobox war faction}} template, as shown below:
[सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्]{{{name}}} | |
{{{native_name}}} | |
[[File:{{{image}}}|{{{image_size}}}|alt={{{image_alt}}}]] {{{caption}}} | |
Founders | {{{founders}}} |
संस्थापक नेता | {{{founding_leader}}} |
नेता | {{{leaders}}} |
सैन्य नेता | {{{military_leader}}} |
राजनीतिक नेता | {{{political_leader}}} |
{{{leader1_title}}} | {{{leader1_name}}} |
{{{leader2_title}}} | {{{leader2_name}}} |
प्रवक्ता | {{{spokesperson}}} |
सञ्चालित अवधि | {{{active}}} |
टुक्रिएको | {{{split_from}}} |
गाभिएको | {{{merged_into}}} |
छुट्टिएको | {{{split_to}}} |
संलग्नता | {{{allegiance}}} |
समूह(हरू) | {{{clans}}} |
लक्ष्य | {{{motives}}} |
प्रधान कार्यालय | {{{headquarters}}} |
सक्रिय क्षेत्र | {{{area}}} |
विचारधारा | {{{ideology}}} |
राजनीतिक स्थान | {{{position}}} |
को भाग | {{{partof}}} |
सम्बद्ध | {{{allies}}} |
विपक्षी | {{{opponents}}} |
युद्धहरू | {{{battles}}} |
सङ्गठन(हरू) | {{{organizations}}} |
आतङ्कवादी समूहको रूपमा नामित | {{{designated_as_terror_group_by}}} |
Colours | {{{colours}}} |
{{{identification_symbol_label}}} | {{{identification_symbol}}} |
{{{identification_symbol_2_label}}} | {{{identification_symbol_2}}} |
{{{identification_symbol_3_label}}} | {{{identification_symbol_3}}} |
{{{identification_symbol_4_label}}} | {{{identification_symbol_4}}} |
वेबसाइट | {{{website}}} |
Basic usage | Full usage |
{{Infobox war faction | name = | native_name = | native_name_lang = | war = | image = | caption = | active = | ideology = | position = | leaders = | clans = | headquarters = | area = | size = | partof = | predecessor = | successor = | allies = | split = | opponents = | battles = | website = }} |
{{Infobox war faction | name = | native_name = | native_name_lang = | war = | image = | image_size = | image_alt = | caption = | active = | status = | ideology = | position = | motives = | allegiance = | clans = | founders = | founder = | founding_leader = | leader_title = | leaders = | leader = | military_leader = | political_leader = | leader1_title = | leader1_name = | leader2_title = | leader2_name = | leader3_title = | leader3_name = | spokesperson = | spokesman = | headquarters = | area = | size = | colours = | partof = | predecessor = | split_from = | merger_of = | predecessor = | predecessor = | predecessor = | predecessor = | predecessor = | successor = | successor = | successor = | merged_into = | merged_into = | split_to = | successor = | allies = | opponents = | battles = | organizations = | website = | designated_as_terror_group_by = | identification_symbol_label = | identification_symbol = | identification_symbol_2_label = | identification_symbol_2 = | identification_symbol_3_label = | identification_symbol_3 = | identification_symbol_4_label = | identification_symbol_4 = }} |
[सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्]Note: When using parameters, avoid the ambiguous abbreviation "N/A", and instead use "unknown" or "none". All subjective or qualitative judgements and numerical quantities or statistics must be cited to a reliable source (see WP:MILMOS#CITE).
- name – the formal name of the faction.
- native_name – the faction's name in their own language
- native_name_lang – ISO 639-1 code e.g. "fr" for French. If more than one, use {{lang}} for |native_name= instead
- war – the war or wars in which the faction participated; for proper grammar, it may be necessary to insert "the" before the name.
- image – optional – an image representative of the faction. The image must be given in the form [[Image:Example.jpg|300px]]; in particular, the thumb attribute must not be selected.
- image_size – optional
- image_alt – optional
- caption – optional – the text to be placed below the image.
- active – the period during which the faction was active.
- active2 – optional – the current status of the faction.
- ideology – optional – the ideology of the faction, if relevant.
- position – optional – the political spectrum of the faction.
- motives – optional – goals or motives of the faction.
- allegiance – optional
- clans – optional – the clans or tribes the faction includes, if relevant.
- founders or founder – optional
- founding_leader – optional
- leaders or leader – the leaders of the faction.
- military_leader – optional
- political_leader – optional
- leader1_title and leader1_name – optional
- leader2_title and leader2_name – optional
- spokesperson or spokesman – optional
- headquarters – optional – the headquarters of the faction.
- area – optional – the area in which the faction operated; a map may be included here, if one is available.
- strength – optional – the number of personnel comprising the faction.
- colours – optional – main colours of the faction.
- partof – optional – the larger group of which the faction is a part, if any.
- predecessor – optional
- split_from – optional
- merger_of – optional
- previous, originated_as, or original_name – optional – the previous identity of the faction, or the factions from which it emerged.
- formerly or former_name – optional
- next, became, or later_name – optional – if the faction transformed into another one, the name of that faction.
- merged_into or merged_to – optional
- split_to – optional – parties that the faction has split into.
- successor – optional
- allies – optional – the faction's allies in the war.
- opponents – optional – the faction's opponents in the war.
- battles – optional – any notable battles or wars in which the unit participated. The decision of what constitutes a notable battle is left to the editors of the specific article.
- organizations – optional
- website or url – optional – official website, if one exists, of the unit.
- designated_as_terror_group_by – optional
- identification_symbol_label and identification_symbol – optional
- identification_symbol_2_label and identification_symbol_2 – optional
- identification_symbol_3_label and identification_symbol_3 – optional
- identification_symbol_4_label and identification_symbol_4 – optional
[सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्]Islamic Courts Union | |
اتحاد المحاكم الإسلامية Midowga Maxkamadaha Islaamiga | |
नेता | Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, Hassan Dahir Aweys |
सञ्चालित अवधि | June 6, 2006–2007 |
समूह(हरू) | Habar Gidir, Abgaal, Rahanweyn, Ogaden, Marehan and some support from many other clans |
लक्ष्य | Impose sharia in Somalia. |
प्रधान कार्यालय | Mogadishu |
सक्रिय क्षेत्र | Central and southern Somalia |
स्थिति | Inactive |
सम्बद्ध |
विपक्षी | |
युद्धहरू | the Somali Civil War |
{{Infobox war faction | name = Islamic Courts Union | native_name = اتحاد المحاكم الإسلامية<br/>''Midowga Maxkamadaha Islaamiga'' | native_name_lang = ar | war = the [[Somali Civil War]] | image = [[Image:Flag_of_the_Islamic_Courts_Union.svg|300px]] | caption = The flag of the Islamic Courts Union. | leaders = [[Sharif Sheikh Ahmed]],<br/> [[Hassan Dahir Aweys]] | clans = [[Habar Gidir]], [[Abgaal]], [[Rahanweyn]], [[Ogaden]], [[Marehan]] and some support from many other clans | active = June 6, 2006–present | status = Active | motives = Impose [[sharia]] in Somalia. | headquarters = [[Mogadishu]] | area = Central and southern [[Somalia]] | predecessor = Unaligned Islamic [[sharia]] courts movements | successor = | allies = {{unbulleted list | [[Mujahideen]] organizations, including [[Al Qaeda]] | Various Muslim and anti-Ethiopian nations including [[Eritrea]] (alleged) }} | opponents = {{unbulleted list | Clan-based warlords | [[Alliance for the Restoration of Peace and Counter-Terrorism]] | [[Juba Valley Alliance]] | [[Transitional Federal Government]] | [[Puntland]] | [[Galmudug]] | [[Ethiopia]] | [[United States]] }} }}
Tracking category
[सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्]TemplateData
[सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्]TemplateData documentation used by VisualEditor and other tools
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Click here to see a monthly parameter usage report for this template in articles based on this TemplateData.
Infobox war factionको कागजात A war faction infobox may be used to summarize information about a particular faction participating in a war; it should not be used for regular military units and formations.