सामग्रीमा जानुहोस्


विकिपिडिया, एक स्वतन्त्र विश्वकोशबाट
       Pragyan Bhattarai    

w ith the globalization and improvement in the field of science and engineering, the technology has racket to unexpected crest. From first civil engineer john smethon up till this 21st century, world is blooming in this scientific field, especially in engineering. People of today’s world are accessing those things which people of ancient hadn’t even imagined. The technique that used to be used in ancient is profoundly being upgraded. It is fact, ancient people used to use mud and other materials to construct houses and they used to use curd, blood in order to give stability and to increase bonding among aggregates for their structure. Well, ancient technique was not much effective so it was very difficult to construct. In spite, the construction of Great Wall of China, pyramid was possible which is icon of mega structure up till now and they are enlisted in most powerful structure today also. It is a very cunning subject to talk about. We should not distrust today’s brain because they have made so many things possible which were not even expected. Many countries around the world are attracting the eye of globe by constructing fascinating structure and making them to touch the sky. The concept of civil engineering is considered in more sophisticated manner which has ultimately flourish the name and fame of the country around the world. In order to increase the benefit and increase income of the country this technique is applied omnipotent. The task to construct the tallest building, giant airport, outstanding tunnel and beautiful big bridge is really a tough job. These mind rendering structures really need lots of plan and homework for the best output. In this point the work of civil engineer become really very crucial and a topic arises that is there is no word called small mistake for civil engineer. If small mistake took place than it will be waste of time, effort and money. The most important point is it might jeopardize whole structure. There are various hinder that are faced in the way of project. All those hinder are to be counterfeit systematically and tactfully. It is said that mother problem for civil engineers is nature whereas father problem is time. The project should get completed within fixed time otherwise fine would be imposed. Engineer’s face the problem in field itself, they have to tackle lots of hinder during their work and where common sense is must. The technique of imposing common sense is studied during their degree but would be unknown about future field problems. So, our engineering study is making us prepared to face those hinder and encounter it with our creativity and hard work. So, what we are studying now is not going be implemented cent percent but the technique, idea and hard work that we use in student life to solve theoretical problem is going to work forever in life. The evolution of new technology get place in the field itself while doing work, this is how technology get updated day by day. While doing any project there is tremendous process that is carried on before the construction. The first job is map study, reconnaissance, primary survey, Secondary survey, Estimation and management .After this only the commencement of project takes place. All these are done because before constructing it is necessary to know the topography of that place. The nature of soil, presence of defects in earth crust (i.e. folds (it is undulation), faults (it is crack) etc) and environmental condition are most important things that we should keep in mind and without this project can’t be handle. It is always to be remembered that huge structure has good foundation. The calgary tower has 60 %( 190.8m) foundation among whole structure in order to maintain whole structure so proper analysis is most in this field. Lots of competition is going on between country to country to make idol structure and attract the world arena. One time the big structure used to be of America itself. Now, the story has overturned and time is for other countries as well. It’s not only for building but this is the case for bridge, tunnel and other sophisticated and idol structures. The increasing craze for this type of thing has really increase the scope of engineering field and technology implemented to it has prolonged the lifestyle of peoples and improvement is definite. Even the natural calamities have bowed down for our technology and engineering. The so outcome is Holland which is below sea level and is a successful country to fight against nature through engineering technology up till now. The blockage which is made around its territory to prevent from sea is nothing else rather than extreme engineering, which is a brain work of Today’s world. The technology implemented in this type of structure is really awesome and the brain work for this should be heartily appreciated. The engineering which was used for reducing the force of tide of sea is really brain catching work to observe. In Dubai, when engineer assemble in order to discuss about their project. The engineers conclude a point that when constructing structure in sea, the force of water from sea can jeopardize the whole project at any instant if due consideration is not made. They were in a great dilemma because the tide of Dubai in sea was not fixed, it might get over their structure at anytime so as a outcome they came up with a solution and that was to put a hollow like quadrilateral cement box so that when water hit, the water get rotate in it and force get highly reduced. This solution gave some relief to some extent. When constructing any structure we have to have a great attention regarding temperature, climate and access ability of that place, continuous attention regarding climate change and temperature should be taken and plan must be fixed accordingly. The structure of Dubai is made with a great attention for future as well. Yes, it is responsibility of engineers to take care of future as well so as to make the structure fit for future and to face the disaster ahead. Tremor in engineering terminology is just a vibration of earth crust due to tremendous factor. We can’t stop this type of disaster but can make out finger tight so as to get rid of those hinder. In tall structure of Dubai this was being implemented that in simple word is earthquake resistance method. In Dubai’s burj hotel, the system is so fixed so that when the earthquake starts, with the aid of sensor, the load get activated to opposite to the motion so that structure can be safe and there is various isolation processes for this as well. This method is as simple as we think, it’s like adding more load in spring balance so as to make it in equilibrium. Where ever the load is more in one side then load is added to opposite side. This is same case how we can prevent structure from excess wind and others as well. Around the world, there are tremendous structure being built and tremendous amount of budget is being invested so money with fame is there in this field. We can think creatively and implement them in a creative way so as to get heart rendering structure. Our young engineers of Nepal also must come up with these types of ideas and innovation so that we can be proud of. They must put on their ideas in paper and be more prone to research oriented field. Just studying is not an Engineering but analyzing and coming up with more convenient solution and making the people aware about the latest technology and exciting the people for using local material in utmost extend is also major responsibility of engineers which is still lacking in Nepal. Making life sophisticated with very high class material is not what our engineering ideas reflect instead making the life more sophisticated by considering our environment, giving preference to renewable resources, utilizing the local material in utmost extend and making healthy lifestyle in cost effective way is what engineering is all about so people must be made aware that engineering their lifestyle is not expensive but use of creativity and simplifying the lifestyle in more astute way so as to obtain collective eco-friendly environment is what engineering is all about and this must be the main MOTTO of Engineers and for this they must be updated with regular technology.

                                                                                                                                                                    Note= writer is B.TECH final year student studying civil engineering in India.