सामग्रीमा जानुहोस्

किङ लियर

विकिपिडिया, एक स्वतन्त्र विश्वकोशबाट
"King Lear and the Fool in the Storm" by William Dyce (१८०६–१८६४)

किङ लियर महान अङ्रेजी नाटककार विलियम शेक्सपियरद्वारा लिखित विश्व प्रसिद्ध नाटक हो।

सन्दर्भ सामग्री

[सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्]

  • Armstrong, Alan Unfamiliar Shakespeare in Wells and Orlin pp. ३०८–३१९.
  • Brode, Douglas (२००१), Shakespeare in the Movies: From the Silent Era to Today, Berkley Boulevard, आइएसबिएन 0-425-18176-6 
  • Burnett, Mark Thornton; Ramona Wray (२००६), Screening Shakespeare in the Twenty-First Century, Edinburgh University Press, आइएसबिएन 978-0-7486-2351-8  |coauthors= प्यारामिटर ग्रहण गरेन (सहायता)
  • Burt, Richard Backstage Pass(ing): Stage Beauty, Othello and the Make-up of Race in Burnett and Wray pp. ५३–७१.
  • Dawson, Anthony B. International Shakespeare in Wells and Stanton pp. १७४–१९३.
  • deGrazia, Margreta; Stanley Wells (२००१), The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare, Cambridge University Press, आइएसबिएन 0-521-65881-0  |coauthors= प्यारामिटर ग्रहण गरेन (सहायता)
  • Gay, Penny Women and Shakespearean Performance in Wells and Stanton pp. १५५–१७३.
  • Gillies, John & Ryuta Minami, Ruri Li and Poonam Trivedi Shakespeare on the Stages of Asia in Wells and Stanton pp. २५९–२८३.
  • Greenhalgh, Susan and Robert Shaughnessy Our Shakespeares: British Television and the Strains of Multiculturalism in Burnett and Wray pp. ९०–११२.
  • Guntner, J. Lawrence Hamlet, Macbeth and King Lear on Film in Jackson (a) pp. ११७–१३४, especially the section King Lear: A Play For Our Times pp. १२८–१३२.
  • Gurr, Andrew; Mariko Ichikawa (२०००), Oxford Shakespeare Topics: Staging in Shakespeare's Theatres, Oxford University Press, आइएसबिएन 978-0-19-871158-2  |coauthors= प्यारामिटर ग्रहण गरेन (सहायता)
  • Hodgdon, Barbara; W. B. Worthen (२००५), A Companion to Shakespeare and Performance, Blackwell Publishing, आइएसबिएन 978-1-4051-8821-0  |coauthors= प्यारामिटर ग्रहण गरेन (सहायता)
  • Holland, Peter Shakespeare in the Twentieth-Century Theatre in deGrazia and Wells pp. १९९–२१५.
  • Howard, Tony Shakespeare's Cinematic Offshoots in Jackson (a) pp. २९५–३१३.
  • Jackson, Russell (a) (२०००), The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare on Film, Cambridge University Press, आइएसबिएन 0-521-63975-1 
  • Jackson, Russell (b) Shakespeare and the Cinema in deGrazia and Wells pp. २१७–२३३.
  • Jackson, Russell (c) Shakespeare on the Stage from १६६० to १९०० in Wells (a) pp. १८७–२१२.
  • Lan, Yong Li Shakespeare and the Fiction of the Intercultural in Hodgdon and Worthen pp. ५२७–५४९.
  • Lehmann, Courtney The Postnostalgic Renaissance: The 'Place' of Liverpool in Don Boyd's My Kingdom in Burnett and Wray pp. ७२–८९.
  • Marsden, Jean I. Improving Shakespeare: from the Restoration to Garrick in Wells and Stanton pp. २१–३६.
  • McKernan, Luke; Olwen Terris (१९९४), Walking Shadows: Shakespeare in the National Film and Television Archive, British Film Institute, आइएसबिएन 0-85170-486-7  |coauthors= प्यारामिटर ग्रहण गरेन (सहायता)
  • Moody, Jane Romantic Shakespeare in Wells and Stanton pp. ३७–५७.
  • Potter, Lois Shakespeare in the Theatre, १६६०–१९०० in deGrazia and Wells pp. १८३–१९८.
  • Rosenthal, Daniel (२००७), 100 Shakespeare Films, British Film Institute, आइएसबिएन 978-1-84457-170-3 
  • Schoch, Richard W. Pictorial Shakespeare in Wells and Stanton pp. ५८–७५.
  • Shakespeare, William; R. A. Foakes (ed.) (१९९७), King Lear, The Arden Shakespeare (Third Series) Methuen Drama, आइएसबिएन 978-1-903436-59-2  |coauthors= प्यारामिटर ग्रहण गरेन (सहायता)
  • Shakespeare, William; G. K. Hunter (ed.) (१९७२ & १९९६), King Lear, New Penguin Shakespeare।  |coauthors= प्यारामिटर ग्रहण गरेन (सहायता)
  • Shaw, George Bernard and Edwin Wilson (ed.) Shaw on Shakespeare (१९६१) Applause ISBN १-५५७८३-५६१-६
  • Tatspaugh, Patricia Performance History: Shakespeare on the Stage १६६०–२००१ in Wells and Orlin pp. ५२५–५४९.
  • Taylor, Gary (a); Warren, Michael, सम्पादकहरू (१९८३), The Division of the Kingdoms: Shakespeare’s Two Versions of King Lear, Oxford: Clarendon Press, आइएसबिएन 978-0-19-812950-9 
  • Taylor, Gary (b) Shakespeare Plays on Renaissance Stages in Wells and Stanton pp. १–२०.
  • Taylor, Michael The Critical Tradition in Wells and Orlin pp. ३२३–३३२.
  • Thomson, Peter The Comic Actor and Shakespeare in Wells and Stanton pp. १३७–१५४.
  • Warren, Roger Shakespeare on the Twentieth-Cantury Stage in Wells (a) pp. २५७–२७२.
  • Wells, Stanley (a) (१९८६), The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare Studies, Cambridge University Press, आइएसबिएन 0-521-31841-6 
  • Wells, Stanley (b) (१९९७), Oxford Shakespeare Topics: Shakespeare in the Theatre, An Anthology of Criticism, Oxford University Press, आइएसबिएन 978-0-19-871176-6 
  • Wells, Stanley; Lena Cowen Orlin (२००३), Shakespeare: An Oxford Guide, Oxford University Press, आइएसबिएन 0-19-924522-3  |coauthors= प्यारामिटर ग्रहण गरेन (सहायता)
  • Wells, Stanley; Sarah Stanton (२००२), The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare on Stage, Cambridge University Press, आइएसबिएन 0-521-79711-X  |coauthors= प्यारामिटर ग्रहण गरेन (सहायता)

बाह्य सूत्र

[सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्]