सामग्रीमा जानुहोस्

ढाँचा:पौष्टिक तत्व विवरण/कागजात

विकिपिडिया, एक स्वतन्त्र विश्वकोशबाट

This is the {{पौष्टिक तत्व विवरण}} infobox template.

{{Nutritional value
| name    =
| kJ      =
| carbs   =
| fat     =
| protein =
| note    =
  • Required fields: name, kJ, carbs, fat, protein. You must state the units that are being used, except for kJ which is in kilojoules (1 Calorie = 1 kcal = 4.2 kJ). E.g., fat = 3 g, the units are usually expressed in grams (g).
    • Note: To specify energy in kcal rather than kJ, use kcal instead.
  • Optional fields: image, caption, serving_size, sugars, lactose, satfat, transfat, monofat, polyfat, omega3fat, omega6fat, fiber, starch, water, alcohol and caffeine. Again, you must state the units that are being used.
  • Contributor defined fields: Additional fields can be added using the opt1n and opt1v fields, where n is for name and v is for value. Up to four optional fields are supported, opt1n & opt1v up to opt4n & opt4v.
The following optional variables are converted into percentages of RDA (taken as averages for males and females aged 25–50 years from the USDA 2000 recommendation)
  • Minerals (in mg) - calcium_mg, iron_mg, phosphorus_mg, magnesium_mg, manganese_mg, sodium_mg, potassium_mg, zinc_mg
  • Vitamins (in mg, μg, or international units) - vitA_ug, vitA_iu (in IU), betacarotene_ug (subcategory of vitamin A!), thiamin_mg (Vit. B1), riboflavin_mg (Vit. B2), niacin_mg (Vit. B3), pantothenic_mg (pantothenic acid), vitB6_mg, folate_ug, vitB12_ug, vitC_mg, vitD_ug, vitD_iu (in IU), vitE_mg, vitK_ug.
Other optional variables and flags
  • Footnote - note a convenient way to indicate serving sizes or edible parts, e.g. 1 banana is 100 to 150 g or other information.
  • Data source - source sets the source of the information used in the template.
    • USDA - source_usda a "yes" in this field will automatically set the source as the USDA database.
  • Suppression of RDA explanation - noRDA a value of "yes" will suppress the USDA recommenced daily value that is automatically assigned as part of several fields.
  • Location - float = left will cause the table to appear on the left side of the article, float = center for centered, and float = none to place it on the left, but without wrapping text around it. The default is float = right.
Additional notes
  • According to convention, there should be a space between the number and the unit: "14 g" and not "14g".
  • Don't specify numbers in too many decimals. Food is often very variable; the USDA tables provide a standard deviation as an indication for how accurate the number is. If it says "1.2345 g" with a standard deviation of 0.08 g, then 1.2 g is the highest accuracy worth mentioning.
  • Splitting up components that are present in trace amounts is not very meaningful (e.g. 1.5 g fats of which 0.5 g unsaturated).
  • The author of the template recommends to include only vitamins and minerals for which this product is considered to be a major source, in order to prevent clogging up the article with a huge table. As a guideline:
    • staple foods: an amount that provides 10,000 kJ should provide well over 100% of the RDI.
    • meats and such: same, but for 4,000 kJ.
    • vegetables, other low-calorie solid food, fruits: same, but for 400 g.
    • other products: use an amount that one could reasonably eat on a daily basis.

Nutritional values can be found e.g. in the USDA National Nutrient Database. Note that fibers are counted as carbohydrates.

{{Nutritional value
| name            = 
| image           =
| caption         =
| serving_size    =
| kJ              = 
| carbs           = 
| fat             = 
| protein         = 
| sugars          = 
| lactose         = 
| satfat          = 
| transfat        = 
| monofat         = 
| polyfat         = 
| omega3fat       = 
| omega6fat       = 
| fiber           = 
| starch          = 
| water           = 
| alcohol         = 
| caffeine        = 
| opt1n           = 
| opt1v           = 
| opt4n           = 
| opt4v           = 
| calcium_mg      = 
| iron_mg         = 
| phosphorus_mg   = 
| magnesium_mg    = 
| manganese_mg    = 
| sodium_mg       = 
| potassium_mg    = 
| zinc_mg         = 
| vitA_ug         = 
| vitA_iu         = 
| betacarotene_ug = 
| lutein_ug       =
| thiamin_mg      = 
| riboflavin_mg   = 
| niacin_mg       = 
| pantothenic_mg  = 
| vitB6_mg        = 
| folate_ug       = 
| vitB12_ug       = 
| vitC_mg         = 
| vitD_ug         = 
| vitD_iu         = 
| vitE_mg         = 
| vitK_ug         = 
| note            = 
| source          = 
| source_usda     = 
| noRDA           = 
| float           = 
प्रति १०० ग्राम (३.५ औंस) भित्र पौष्टिक तत्व छ
ऊर्जा२,४५० किलोजूल (५९० कि॰कैल)
२२ g
आहारीय रेशा८ g
चिनी ५ g
१ g
खाद्य आहारीय रेशा९ g
५० g
संतृप्त बोसो७ g
ट्रान्स बोसो पदार्थ३ g
असंतृप्त बोसो२५ g
बहु असंतृप्त बोसो१६ g
१ g
२ g
२४ g
भिटामिन ए समतुल्य
१२ μg
१२० μg
थायमिन (बि)
१ मिग्रा
रिबोफ्लाबिन (बि)
२ मिग्रा
नायासिन (बि)
०.५ मिग्रा
एसिड (वि)
०.१ मिग्रा
भिटामिन बि
१ मिग्रा
फोलेट (बि)
१.५ μg
भिटामिन बि१२
०.५ μg
भिटामिन सी
२० मिग्रा
भिटामिन डी
१० μg
भिटामिन ई
५ मिग्रा
भिटामिन के
१० μg
२०० मिग्रा
५ मिग्रा
१.२ मिग्रा
१.२ मिग्रा
५० मिग्रा
८० मिग्रा
४० मिग्रा
०.४ मिग्रा
अन्य अवयवहरूपरिमाण
पानी५ g
अलकोहल (इथानोल)१ g
क्याफिन२० mg

Footnote text here
वयस्कहरूको लागि अमेरिकी सिफारिसहरूको उपयोग गर्दै सिर्जित अनुमान प्रतिशत।
स्रोत: युएसडिए फुडडेटा सेन्ट्रल
{{Nutritional value
 | name          = Foonuts
 | kJ            = 2450
 | protein       = 24 g
 | fat           = 50 g
 | satfat        = 7 g
 | transfat      = 3 g
 | monofat       = 25 g
 | polyfat       = 16 g
 | omega3fat     = 1 g
 | omega6fat     = 2 g
 | carbs         = 22 g
 | starch        = 8 g
 | sugars        = 5 g
 | lactose       = 1 g
 | fiber         = 9 g
 | sodium_mg     = 40
 | potassium_mg  = 80
 | vitA_ug       = 12
 | betacarotene_ug = 120
 | vitC_mg       = 20
 | thiamin_mg    = 1
 | riboflavin_mg = 2
 | niacin_mg     = 0.5
 | pantothenic_mg = 0.1
 | folate_ug     = 1.5
 | vitD_ug       = 10
 | vitE_mg       = 5
 | vitK_ug       = 10
 | iron_mg       = 5
 | magnesium_mg  = 10
 | manganese_mg  = 1.2
 | phosphorus_mg = 50
 | zinc_mg       = 0.4
 | calcium_mg    = 200
 | vitB6_mg      = 1
 | vitB12_ug     = 0.5
 | water         = 5 g
 | alcohol       = 1 g
 | caffeine      = 20 mg
 | tryptophan    = 0.010 g
 | source_usda   = 1
 | note          = Footnote text here
 | float         = 

will generate →

This is a complex template that is used by over 150 articles as of October 2008. Breaking this template will cause problems in all those articles, so please use {{Nutritional value/sandbox}} for experimenting with the layout.

In the HTML version: don't put line breaks into the template around the {{#if:...}} parser functions, because they will end up as line breaks above the table.

If you translate this template for use in other language wikipedias, you could consider keeping the English variable names, so that you can simply copy/paste existing tables from English to your language (and back). Or you could make two versions, one using native-language variable names, and the other using the English names.