ढाँचा:Find sources
स्रोतहरू खोज्नुहोस्: "Find sources" – समाचारहरू · पुस्तकहरू · छात्रवृत्तिधारी · जेएसटिओआर · मुफ्त तस्बिरहरू

[सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्]This template produces a series of links to various search interfaces to help find additional reference material for articles. It should not be used in articles themselves - refer to सामान्यतया लिङ्क हटाउन ।
The first parameter is main search term, which will be treated as a शाब्दिक स्ट्रिंग if multi-part (e.g. स्थानीय तह
will be searched as the single string "स्थानीय तह" not "स्थानीय" and "तह" separately).
Optional subsequent parameters (up to 4) are additional search terms. Then can be enclosed in double quotation marks, preceded by an unspaced -
(hyphen) to exclude them from the search results, or both (e.g. -"गाउँपालिका"
to exclude matches containing the phrase "गाउँपालिका", but not either name by itself, from the search results). You do not need to add -wikipedia
, as the template automatically does this for you. Also, there is no need to add words in plural form unless irregular, as the search interface will match (for example) नगरपालिका as well given a search term of नगरपालिका ।
If no parameters are given, the name of the article is passed as the search string. Note that this may or may not be desirable with disambiguated article names (if the Wikipedia disambiguator is sensible, however, it may actually help refine the search results).
If |free=yes
is added, Google News will only return free search results; please note that this can exclude many valuable sources simply because they have a small (or sometimes not so small) price tag; this parameter is best used when linking to source material in discussions, rather than when using the template near the top of an article's talk page as a source-finding resource.
- सरल उदाहरण:
{{Find sources|स्थानीय तह}}
- तरिकाहरू:
- स्रोतहरू खोज्नुहोस्: "स्थानीय तह" – समाचारहरू · पुस्तकहरू · छात्रवृत्तिधारी · जेएसटिओआर · मुफ्त तस्बिरहरू
यो पनि हेर्नुहोस्
[सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्]- {{Find sources notice}} - styled article talk header template for article talk pages
- {{Find sources 2}} - template with more free searches
- {{Find sources 3}} - template with many more sources to search.
- {{find video game sources}} - includes a link to Gwern's Google RS
- {{Refideas}} - template to include links to possible sources
- {{Search}} - the original search template on which this template was based
- {{Search for}} - a multi-purpose search engine sidebar
- {{HighBeamSearch}} - search the archive at HighBeam