ढाँचा:Infobox planetary system/कागजात
[सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्]{{Infobox planetary system | title = | image = | caption = | age = | location = | ascension = | declination = | system_mass = | neareststar = | nearestplanetary = | semimajoraxis = | proto-planetarydisc = | Kuiper_cliff = | stars = | planets = | dwarfplanets = | satellites = | minorplanets = | comets = | roundsat = | roundsatlink = | inclination = | galacticcenter = | orbitalspeed = | orbitalperiod = | spectral = | variable = | frostline = | heliopause = | hillsphere = | noknown_stars = | noknown_planets = | outerplanetname = }}
[सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्]- noknown_stars – If anything is in this field, then the word "known" will NOT precede "stars" in the "No. of stars" section.
- noknown_planets – If anything is in this field, then the word "known" will NOT precede "planets" in the "No. of planets" and "Semi-major axis of outer planet" sections.
- For info on using the Infobox in general, see {{Infobox}}
[सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्]![]() The Sun and planets of the Solar System. Sizes but not distances are to scale. | |
आयु | 4.568 billion years |
स्थान | |
मण्डलको पिण्ड | 1.0014 Solar masses |
नजिकको तारा |
नजिकको ज्ञात ग्रह मण्डल | Alpha Centauri system (4.37 ly) |
ग्रह मण्डल | |
बाहिरी ग्रहको अर्द्ध-प्रमुख कक्ष (Neptune) | 30.10 AU (4.503 billion km) |
कुइपर पेटी सम्मको दुरी | 50 AU |
जनसङ्ख्या | |
ताराहरू | 1 (Sun) |
ग्रहहरू | {{{1}}} |
ज्ञात पुड्के ग्रहहरू | |
ज्ञात प्राकृतिक उपग्रहहरू | 427
ज्ञात साना ग्रहहरू | 638,836 (as of 2014-04-15) |
ज्ञात लामपुछ्रे ताराहरू | 3,263 (as of 2014-04-15) |
ज्ञात गोलाकार उपग्रहहरू | 19 |
आकाशगङ्गा केन्द्र सम्बन्धी कक्ष | |
स्थिर सतहको आकाशगङ्गा सतहतर्फ झुकाउ | 60.19°8 (ecliptic) |
आकाशगङ्गा केन्द्र सम्मको दुरी | 27,000 ± 1,000 ly |
कक्षीय गति | 220 km/s |
कक्षीय अवधि | 225–250 Myr |
तारा-सम्बन्धित गुणहरू | |
ताराहरूको श्रेणी | G2V |
हिमरेखा | ≈5 AU |
हेलिपजको दुरी | ≈120 AU |
पहाडी क्षेत्रको व्यास | ≈1–2 ly |
This example, from a version in Solar System with references removed, uses most of the available parameters.
{{Infobox planetary system | title = Solar System | image = Planets2013symbols.svg | image_style = 300px | image_alt = A representative image of the Solar System with sizes but not distances to scale | caption = {{longitem|The [[Sun]] and [[List of gravitationally rounded objects of the Solar System#Planets|planets of the Solar System]]. Sizes but not distances are to scale.}} | age = 4.568 billion years | location = {{longitem|{{ublist|class=nowrap |[[Local Interstellar Cloud]], [[Local Bubble]], |[[Orion–Cygnus Arm]], [[Milky Way]]}}}} | system_mass = 1.0014 [[Solar mass]]es | neareststar = {{longitem|{{ublist|class=nowrap |[[Proxima Centauri]]{{nbsp|2}}{{smaller|(4.22 [[Light-year|ly]])}} |[[Alpha Centauri]] system {{smaller|(4.37 ly)}}}}}} | nearestplanetary = {{nowrap|Alpha Centauri system{{nbsp|2}}{{smaller|(4.37 ly)}}}} | semimajoraxis = {{nowrap|30.10 [[Astronomical unit|AU]]{{nbsp|2}}{{smaller|(4.503 billion km)}}}} | Kuiper_cliff = 50 AU | stars = 1{{nbsp|2}}{{smaller|([[Sun]])}} | noknown_stars = yes | planets = {{longitem|style=line-height:1.1em|<div style="font-size:smaller">{{hlist|8 ([[Mercury (planet)|Mercury]]|[[Venus]]|[[Earth]]|[[Mars]]|<br/>[[Jupiter]]|[[Saturn]]|[[Uranus]]|[[Neptune]])}} </div>}} | outerplanetname = [[Neptune]] | noknown_planets = yes | dwarfplanets = {{longitem|Possibly several hundred;<br/>five currently recognized by the [[International Astronomical Union|IAU]] {{smaller|{{hlist|([[Ceres (dwarf planet)|Ceres]]|[[Pluto]]|[[Haumea (dwarf planet)|Haumea]]|[[Makemake (dwarf planet)|Makemake]]|[[Eris (dwarf planet)|Eris]])}}}} }} | satellites = {{longitem|427 {{hlist|{{smaller|(170 planetary}} |{{smaller|257 [[minor planet]]ary)}} }} }} | minorplanets = 638,836{{nbsp|2}}{{smaller|(as of 2014-04-15)}} | comets = 3,263{{nbsp|2}}{{smaller|(as of 2014-04-15)}} | roundsat = 19 | roundsatlink = List of gravitationally rounded objects of the Solar System#Satellite planemos | inclination = 60.19°8{{nbsp|2}}{{smaller|(ecliptic)}} | galacticcenter = 27,000 ± 1,000 ly | orbitalspeed = 220 km/s | orbitalperiod = 225–250 [[Myr]] | spectral = [[G-type main-sequence star|G2V]] | frostline = ≈5 AU | heliopause = ≈120 AU | hillsphere = ≈1–2 ly }}