सामग्रीमा जानुहोस्


विकिपिडिया, एक स्वतन्त्र विश्वकोशबाट

Monil Adhikari

मोनिल अधिकारी (Monil Adhikari)
म येस्तै देख्छु!!!
जन्म२०४९ अशाढ ८ गते (24 September 1992)
डल्लु,काठमाडौं, बागमती, नेपाल
मातापितापद्मा अधिकारी, मनोज अधिकारी
इमेलmoniladhikari@gmail.com, moa1332@my.londonmet.ac.uk
Monil Adhikari Buisness Card

Well I am is Monil Adhikari. I Currently am studying in Islington College which is situated in Kathmandu, Nepal. I was born in Dallu, Kathmandu, Nepal which is a small part of Kathmandu near Swayambhunath.

I had a pretty interesting childhood which started in Dallu itself. I received early education in Arunodaya Academy which situated in Dallu. Further, I changed my school and started my Grade 1 from Saraswati Boarding Higher Secondary School. which is situated in Chhetrapati, Kathmandu, Nepal. Finally I was lucky enough give my SLC from this school itself being thepart of the batch 2065-66.

Education Educational Institute Address of the Educational Institution
Nursery to U.K.G Arunodaya High School Dallu, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Grade 1 to SLC Saraswati Boarding Higher Secondary School Chhetrapati, Kathmandu, Nepal.
+2 HSEB (Science) National Institution of Science and Technology Lainchour, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Bsc.(Hons.) Computer Networking and IT Security Islington College Kamalpokhari, Kathmandu, Nepal.